Friday, April 11, 2008

What if we could go back in time?

I retrieved some of the old posts (sans comments) from my previous blog, and made the (ill-advised?) decision to play the copy-paste game. Let's take a look, shall we?


What do you do when wonderful, but unanticipated -- inexplicable? -- events happen?


Long Time
wow. it's been a long time since i've posted anything. oddly, though, the only comments i've had in weeks have been spam. this bloggin' thing is scintillating...


sorry. i got nothing today. what can i say?


Amazing day...
What a day today. Surprising phone calls, touching revelations. I'm stunned.


Gorget (noun, Fr.) A piece of armor to protect the throat

That s.o.b. tried to punch me right in the Adam's Apple; thank God I had the foresight to wear my tartan gorget today.

Animal Farm
Today, I worked constantly. I taught two classes (Graphic Design IV and Graphic Design II), did office hours, some administrative work (sheesh) and then some freelance design work for an American tour of the Dino Merlin band ( ). Pretty full. Didn't really think of anything bad to say about any specific species. Still working on it, though.


I go for Penguins
Tastes like chicken, eh?

I actually had my heart set on taking a clandestine trip to the zoo with an empty backpack, slip on home and try out a batch of penguin jerky.


So, I've learned something. Nothing elicits responses like dissing animals.


I pose this question:
Anyone know what penguin tastes like?


Fondant: (noun, Fr) a soft, creamy candy made of sugar

Various nekton were dipped in fondant and serried tightly in a small container, which shuddered in an almost limacine way when jostled.


Nekton (noun, Gr) all of the larger, aquatic, free-swimming animals in lakes, seas, ponds, etc. whose movements are largely independent of currents and waves, including squids, fish and whales.

"Today's Special: Nekton Surprise."


This dream centers around my brother, whom I haven't seen for over a year.
I only remember the last few sections of the dream -- I know a lot preceded this, but I find myself walking through a street bazaar. The street is narrow with lots of venders set up on tables outside. The stall I'm drawn to has hand-carved wooden art pieces. Many of them are stylized figures about a foot tall. I pick up several that seem almost tribal, with metal pieces attached. Someone throws a wooden ball toward the vender's son who deflects it with a round paddle. The ball falls into a track that snakes back and forth in front of the stall until it drops into a pool or fountain. When I look for it, I see large
gold fish beneath the surface.
Somehow I'm next at a family gathering. It's my brother's birthday and my mother is wrapping presents. Although he and I are both grown, it seems that most of his presents are toys. When my brother enters the room my mother gives him his presents, including a bicycle that oddly bends as if it's made of rubber.
I place two of the wooden sculptures I must have bought earlier on a bookshelf for everyone to see, but one of them is falling apart already; the metal pieces on it are loose and bent.
The next thing I remember, my brother is entering again, except now he's driving my car. I climb in and we begin talking uncomfortably. Suddenly the car begins to roll and I tell my brother to stop the car. He won't do it. We keep rolling very slowly and I start getting more and more insistent that he stop because I think I've left the wooden figures on the roof. He still won't stop the car and I become furious. I start punching him but he keeps his eyes straight ahead.
Finally, I'm able to stop the car and jump out. When I look at the roof of the car I can't see the figures. I assume they must have fallen off and I completely flip. I begin taking all his presents from the car and smashing them in a rage. I don't know why I'm so irrationally furious.
What's strange is one of the toys I destroy is a G.I Joe. As I said, we're both grown, but he seems to really love the G. I. Joe.


Therianthropic ( adj, Gr) conceived of as being partly human and partly animal in form.

Marek usually extolled his therianthropic qualities, except in times like these, when his antlers ruined yet another fine hat.


Another dream: 2/22
In this dream, I find myself walking on a hill. As I look down, I can see that there's a pond or lake at the bottom of the hill. I can see that there are fish in the water, and I find that I have fishing gear with me. I cast a line all the way down the hill into the water, even though it's actually very far away, and I try to catch a fish.
I'm not having any luck, and I feel confused by this. I crawl down the hill until I get to the edge of the water and continue fishing. The spot I'm in is pretty shallow and rocky, and I have to climb over a lot of large rocks. I don't know if this means anything or not, but looking ahead I see that the lake goes on around a corner beyond my vision; I don't know what's around the corner or even how large the lake is.
Finally, I catch a fish. It fights and fights and it takes me a very long time to make any progress with it. I'm forced to continue climbing over the stones and around and through shrubs. In the end, I'm able to bring the fish close. As I reach into the water to pull it out, it's no longer a fish but something really grotesque -- half fish but also covered with wet fur and spikes. It has threatening teeth. I'm repulsed by it and throw the fish and the fishing rod into the water.


WORD: Serried
Serried (adjective, Fr) placed close together

In the darkness, all eight found themselves serried into the cramped, dirt-floored cellar, not knowing what might come next.


Platna i digitalne slike koje susrecemo na ovom mjestu predstavljaju dva razlicita pravca misli. Niz slika pod naslovom "Odvojene pjesme u istom glasu" ("Separate Songs in the Same Voice") je pokusaj da se istraze neki osnovni znakovi kojima se sluzimo da bismo se izrazili. Proucavajuci i istrazivajuci razlicite kulture, ostao sam iznenadjen slicnostima; iako su odvojene hiljadama kilometara, umjetnost Australskih Aboridzina ne razlikuje se mnogo od umjetnosti Anasazi indijanaca americkog Jugozapada, koja opet podsjeca na umjetnost potekla iz juznoamerickih prasuma. Ako pogledamo jos jednom, lako cemo pronaci vizuelne veze sa antickom umjetnoscu sirom Evrope; zapravo, vrlo je kratak vizualni skok od crteza na pecinama Lascaux do "sprejanih" grafita modernih urbanih centara.

Bio sam zainteresovan za istrazivanje ovog "govora slike" i u svom vlastitom radu, da proniknem u ovaj zajednicki nacin "ostavljanja tragova" kako bih proizveo nesto novo, u isto vrijeme ostajuci tako neobicno prepoznatljiv.

Gotovo potpuno suprotno primitivnim aspektima slika iz "Odvojenih pjesama", takodjer cu prikazati novu seriju digitalnih slika pod naslovom "Odjeci i slojevi" ("Echoes and Layers"). Ovi eksponati, stampani u boji i u velikom formatu, uzimaju drugaciji prilaz. Oni predstavljaju tehnoloski portfolio, proizveden kroz elektronsko skeniranje dvo- i trodimenzionalnih slika, digitalnih crteza i umjetnickih interpretacija ovog medija. Kada sam proizveo ovu seriju, otkrio sam da se koncentrisem na medjuigru slika i strukture koja, sloj po sloj, sto cini konacni rezultat. Svaki komad sadrzi kombinaciju ljudske figure, predmeta i teksta. Medjutim, kada sam rukovao tekstom, nastojao sam da ga tretiram vise kao tekstualni element umjesto kao jasno definirane rijeci, gotovo poput razgovora kojeg smo naculi iz daljine -- neki dijelovi su jasni, ali neki se gube. Medjusobno su povezani opustenim okvirom koji naznacava i tradicionalni prika umjetnosti, kao i digitalni pristup.

Kada posmatramo slike - platna, fotografije, filmove - vazno je imati na umu da su one interpretacije stvarnih predmeta; kao Platonove sjenke na zidovima pecina, one su magloviti odjeci stvarnosti. Obradjene digitalno, mogu se odvesti korak dalje: sve digitalne slike su zapravo vizuelne interpretacije sifrovanja -- binarni nizovi nula i jedinica. Stvarne slike ne postoje, osim kao stampane predstave stranica i stranica ovog elektronskog koda. Postao sam fasciniran ovim pitanjima vizuelnih "odjeka" i radio na istrazivanju njihovih efekata i implikacija.

Sa ova dva vrlo razlicita pristupa umjetnosti, prirodno je naznaciti stvari koje ih razdvajaju. Ali i pored njihovih razlika, postoje veze izmedju njih. Obje serije naglasavaju smisao za slojeve i dubinu, predmete koji plutaju jedan povrh drugog. U kojem god mediju da radim, ovo su stvari za cije sam istrazivanje zainteresovan -- mnogi nivoi percepcije koji su uvijek svuda oko nas i nacini na koji se ispreplicu da bi stvorili raspolozenje, atmosferu i odnose.


Today's Word: Limacine
Limacine: adjective
Of or like slugs or shell-less snails

"Monique moved across the room on her belly, using neither arms nor legs; the limacine motion was at once erotic and revolting."


Newer word
Sylvatic (adjective, Latin) Affecting animals in the woods

"Ashamed, I finally admitted that my insatiable desire for jerky had no consideration for its sylvatic implications."


New Word
I plan to learn a new word each time I log in.
I will try to use the word in a sentence.

Hartebeest (noun, Africa) a large, swift South African antelope

Mmmm... hartebeest jerky!


A Dream: 2/08
A troubling one. Without knowing exactly how I got there, I am standing in an abandoned building. The windows don't have any glass and the wind blows straight through the room, which is completely gray and brown. The floor is old linoleum, and many of the tiles are broken or missing. There's also several large sheets of dirty cardboard on the floor, like flattened boxes. I can see as well that the wiring has been removed from the building, pretty much just ripped out of the walls. I know I'm supposed to get out, although I don't remember anything particularly threatening about the room. Just a feeling that I should leave.

Outside, it's also very gray. The sky is overcast but still a little bright. I start walking through a field. The ground is deep, sticky mud, but I have to keep walking. As I do, my feet become heavier and heavier as more mud coats them.
I seem to have gone about a hundred yards through the mud when I realize that someone else is also walking. As I get closer, I recognize the person as someone I knew a couple of years ago. I feel glad to see this person, but I'm also a bit surprised. We both continue the walk and we're having a very serious conversation, but I can't remember now what it was about.
Finally, he asks if I want to see something really weird. I tell him I do. "Come on, then," he says, and leads me further along the field. We come to what looks like a raised sewer grate or something with metal bars across the small opening in front.
"Look in there," he tells me. I have to get down on my hands and knees to see inside. My hands sink deeply into the mud, and I have to put my face very close to the ground right up against the bars to look. Suddenly, I can see that there's a dead body inside. I'm literally face to face with it since I crawled down so close. The body is sort of half floating in the mud and water.
I jump back and kind of crabwalk backwards in the mud to get away from it.

"Weird, isn't it?" my friend asks.

I find myself really shocked. What troubles me most is that I realize my friend knew the body was there all along and doesn't seem surprised. I'm filled with a feeling that he's either very callous or that he had something to do with the body being there in the first place.


Once again
Well, I finally found a way to save updates to my profile. It seems that Internet Explorer has no "Save" link; I had to update through Safari (which I never use).
Does anyone read these things?

Welcoming myself back

I haven't touched this blog in about two years -- mostly, I think, because I had forgotten about it.
Anyway, I guess I remembered. What'd I miss?

Friday, April 4, 2008

this is the first test...

the first little test of the blog.